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Choose your course option

  • Online Work Only

    Start at anytime, do on your own pace. Gain access September 18th
    • Access to online course, module and workshop
    • Start at anytime after September 18th
  • 30 Days Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Next course begins September 4th 2024
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • 1 Zoom Group Call Per Week
    • Help Customizing Challenges
    • Module Online Course Work & Access to Tools
    • 30 Day Challenge Plan
    • Access to Community Support
  • Upgraded Package

    This session begins September 4th 2024
    Valid for 6 weeks
    • Coaching from Becca
    • 1 Zoom Call Per Week
    • Help Customizing Challenge Calendar
    • Community Support Access
    • Online Modules, Workshop and Tools
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